


This document introduces and describes the policies of this website related to the management and processing of the personal data of the users who interact with the services of the individual firm Agriturismo Gli Olmi that can be accessed through the Internet page, that is the home page of the official website of the mentioned firm (hereinafter also referred to as "website"). This information is given pursuant to terms of Article 13 of Law n. 196 of June 30, 2003 called “Codice in materia di trattamento dei dati personali” ("Personal data processing code", hereinafter also referred to as "Privacy Code"), it applies only to the website of the Agriturismo Gli Olmi and does not concern any other website that can be possibly accessed by the users through the external links included in this website.


As a consequence of browsing this website some personal data related to identified or identifiable individuals can be collected and processed; the controller of the personal data collected and processed during the browsing of our website and any other data and information used to provide our goods and services to the users is the individual firm Agriturismo Gli Olmi of Ilaria Rosati, with registered address in Via Nicola Rosati 17, 64013 Corropoli (TE ), VAT n. 01934380674 and fiscal n . RST LVI 86C69 L103M - Tel. (+39) 0861 83190 • Email: The person in charge of the processing of the data pursuant to Article 29 of the Privacy Code is the owner of the individual firm Agriturismo Gli Olmi.


The data processing related to the web services of this website takes place at the registered address of the individual firm Agriturismo Gli Olmi and is performed by the data processor or by any other individual or company delegated by him/her under his/her responsibility.


The types of personal data of the users of the website that can be collected and processed are mainly two: browsing and computer data and data provided voluntarily by the user.

a) Browsing and computer data:

The computer systems and the software procedures used to operate this website during their normal operation collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This type of information is not collected in order identify the users but, due its own nature, it can allow to identify them through its elaboration and/or association with data held by third parties. This category of data includes, but is not limited to:

i) IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the website;

ii) the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources;

iii) the time of the request;

iv) the method used in submitting the request to the server;

v) the size of the file obtained in response;

vi) the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (correct, error, etc.);

vii) other data and parameters related to the operating system, the browser used and, more in general, related to the user's IT environment.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning and may persist up to 7 days after processing, unless they will become useful and/or necessary in the investigation of possible cybernetic/IT crimes against the website.

b) Data provided voluntarily by the user such as:

i) registration data uploaded when the user creates an account that include: first name and last name, home address, gender, date of birth, State of birth, e-mail address, username and password;

ii) data of the transaction uploaded when one of our products or services is purchased on our website, which include information on the purchased products or services, the postal address, the tax number, the telephone number and the payment information;

iii) personal data uploaded when using the Website;

iv) personal data deriving from the optional, explicit and voluntary e-mail communications sent to the addresses indicated on this website which include, for example, the sender's e-mail address and any other data included in the message.

v) information on the location of the user at the moment of the visit to our website, including the location information provided by mobile devices that interact with our website, or related to the user's IP address, provided that the processing of such data is allowed by applicable laws;


Access to and browsing the website are free, however the possibility of receiving certain online services available on the website is allowed only after acquiring some or all of the aforementioned personal data of the user; such services mainly include:

a) the registration in the e-commerce area of our website;

b) the purchase of products and/or services in the e-commerce area of our website both as registered user and as a guest;

c) requests of information and/or any other type of request made through the specific form in the Contacts page of our website and/or through any e-mail address indicated in the website.

Given what stated above, the processing of personal data, including their entry in the records of Agriturismo Gli Olmi, is aimed at achieving the following primary purposes:

1) allow the completion of the online registration procedures and the creation of an account and to allow the owners and the webmasters of the website to generate, and subsequently manage from the technical and administrative point of view (including technical assistance and support on request) the account, the activation codes, the passwords and similar authentication credentials as created by users during the registration process;

2) allow the users to use the online services as described in points a), b) and c) above, as well as to answer to their possible questions and/or to provide them with information directly requested by them;

3) guarantee the proper supply of services requested by the users to the Agriturismo Gli Olmi through the Website and, therefore, to properly and timely fulfill all obligations arising from any contract established with the users themselves, as well as all obligations arising from the laws and regulations currently in force, in particular the ones about taxes, administration, accounting and public security;

4) finally, among the primary purposes are also included some technical processing of the data carried out through the use of the so-called "technical cookies" as more detailed in the Cookie Policy paragraph. In these specific cases, the technical processing are aimed solely at carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network to the extent strictly necessary to provide the services expressly requested by the users.


In all cases of data processing for the primary purposes described above in points 1), 2), 3) and 4), Agriturismo Gli Olmi does not have the obligation to acquire the explicit consent of the user; this is, indeed, excluded by Art. 24 of the Privacy Code when the processing of data is necessary to comply with legal obligations, regulations or EU regulations, or obligations arising from a contract of which the user is a party, or to fulfill, before the conclusion of the contract, specific requests from the user.

In compliance with the Privacy Code and with the user's choices, the obligation to acquire the explicit and optional consent by the user is necessary when the processing of data pursues the following additional secondary purposes:

5) to subscribe to the mailing lists held by our firm, to carry out market surveys (also by telephone, online, through forms and questionnaires), to send advertising and informative material about the products and services offered by the Agriturismo Gli Olmi and/or by its commercial partners, to solicit the purchase by means of automated systems, such as e-mail, fax, sms or MMS, or through traditional methods (e.g.: paper mail), or by telephone with operators (hereinafter all together called "Treatment for purposes of Mareketing");

6) for the elaboration of the customer's market profile (by sampling the consumption patterns) aimed at monitoring the degree of customer satisfaction to ensure a better satisfaction of their needs and to send them, through automated systems, such as e-mail, fax, sms or MMS, or by mail, information materials and/or advertising focused on their specific interests.

Any denial by the user to give consent to the processing of data for the purposes referred to in points 5) and 6) will not entail any consequence except for the impossibility of being included in statistical and/or profiling analyses, to receive promotions, discounts and communications specifically targeted on the basis on the data collected, or to be informed about any marketing and promotional-advertising initiatives. The optional consent is considered denied even in case it has not been indicated.

By explicitly granting the optional consent, the user specifically acknowledges and authorizes such further possible processing of his data for the purposes indicated in points 5) and 6); in any case, the user will remain free to revoke this optional consent at any time, sending a clear communication to Agriturismo Gli Olmi at the e-mail address


Except for what stated regarding the browsing and computer data, if the user does not intend to provide the personal data requested and necessary as described so far, the consequence would be the impossibility to proceed with the use of all the services and functions for which the communication of the data is technically and/or contractually necessary.

It will still be possible, anyway, to browse the website, view and use all other content and materials available without the need to provide the personal data.


All data processed by Agriturismo Gli Olmi will be used solely and exclusively to reply to the questions of the users and to provide them with the information, the products and/or services requested and, in any case, in accordance with the stated purposes.

Therefore, the data processed by the Agriturismo Gli Olmi will not be in any way and for any reason communicated, sold, transmitted, licensed and/or forwarded in any other way to third parties, unless such communication is necessary only and exclusively for the achievement of the primary purposes referred to in points 1) to 4); are included into this case, for example:

a) business partners of the individual firm Agriturismo Gli Olmi to whom the latter communicates the data exclusively to provide users with the products and/or services requested by them and/or to reply to any of their requests (for instance, carriers for the delivery of the products purchased through the e-commerce area of ​​our website);

b) individuals, companies or professional firms that provide legal, administrative, tax, accounting and financial assistance, advice and services to the individual firm Agriturismo Gli Olmi;

c) subjects to whom the right to access the data is granted by the law or by orders of the authorities.

In any case, the data controller ensures the adoption of scrupulous measures to protect the data and to prevent their unauthorized communication and release.


The user acknowledges that any indication of personal and contact data of any third party other than the user him/herself is a processing of personal data with respect to which he/she represents an autonomous controller and processor assuming, therefore, all the obligations and responsibilities provided for in the Privacy Code. The user guarantees to Agriturismo Gli Olmi that any data of third parties that will be indicated by the user him/herself has been collected by the same user in full compliance with the Privacy Code. The data of third parties thus acquired will be treated as if the third party had provided the informed consent to the processing and communication of data to Agriturismo Gli Olmi, therefore the user fully discharges the Agriturismo Gli Olmi with respect to any dispute, claim, request for compensation for damages arising from the processing, etc. that could be filed against Agriturismo Gli Olmi by any third party concerned as a consequence of the communication by the user of the third party's data in violation of the applicable rules on the protection of personal data.


The processing of personal data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic and/or automated means, following the methods and using appropriate tools to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the data themselves. In particular are adopted all technical, IT, organizational, logistical and procedural security measures to prevent the loss of the data, their illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized accesses to them.


Pursuant to Art. 7 of the Privacy Code the subjects whom the personal data refer to have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of such data and to know the content, the origin and the purpose and methods of processing; pursuant to the same article, the subjects whom the personal data refer to have the right to verify the accuracy of the data, to request their integration or updating, or to correct them, as well as the right to request the cancellation, the transformation into anonymous data or to block the data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their processing. Requests should be addressed to the data controller at his office. This document is the "Privacy Policy" of this website.


Cookies are text files that are stored on the computers of the Internet users to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the website and control the use of the website by the user.

Cookies can be distinguished in:

a) "technical cookies", that can be essential or, at least, useful to the correct and efficient exploration of the website and to the full utilization of all its features and functionalities. This category include:

− The so-called "session" cookies, that are those essential for the management of the website, for its security and/or for the use of one or more services offered by the website itself, such as, for example, the authentication to access the restricted areas, the filling of forms or doing purchases.

− "Functionality" cookies that allow to improve the browsing experience on the website memorizing the settings, the choices and the preferences expressed by the user while navigating the website in order to reload them in the subsequent sessions such as, for instance, language and Country settings, user name, consent granted on the personal data processing and other possible customizable settings.

− "Analytical" cookies aimed at improving the performance of the website, which collect information on how users browse the website, for instance: the most frequently viewed pages, any error message received, time of response and time of uploading of the pages by the website. These cookies collect anonymous information that are not used to identify the user but only to improve the functioning of the website as they are useful for the identification of errors, of processes that can be made more efficient, of features that can be adapted and/or updated and so on.

For the installation of these technical cookies the prior consent of users is not required, but its compulsory to provide information to the user; disabling technical cookies may lead to incorrect operation of the website and/or to its partial or total non-functioning.

b) "Profiling cookies" aimed at creating a browsing profile of the user; these cookies allow the website that installed them to monitor the user's Internet browsing also for the purpose of sending advertising or offering services in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing on the Internet. Due to the particular invasiveness of such devices, European and Italian legislation requires that the user has to be adequately informed about their use and that he/she has to express their valid consent to the use of such cookies. The disabling or non-consent to the use of profiling cookies, however, does not have any consequence on the navigation of the website.

Cookies, both technical and profiling, can be installed on the user's computer from both the same website that the user is visiting and from other different websites or web servers (so-called "third-party cookies") for same purposes mentioned above, in such cases third-party cookies can be disabled without any consequence on the navigation of the website.

This website uses only technical cookies both of its own and of third parties; the third-party cookies used by this are the following:

1) Google Analytics

This website uses the service Google Analytics provided by the company Google, Inc. ("Google") for the generation of statistics on the use of the web portal; Google Analytics uses (non-third party) cookies that do not store personal data. The location of the data processing is in the US.

To consult the privacy policy of the company Google on the Google Analytics service, please visit the website:

To learn about the privacy policies of Google, please visit the website:

Cookies used by the service Google Analytics are: _ga, _gat, __utma, __utmb, __utmz, __utmv, __utmt, __utmc.

For further information and additional updates, please visit the website:

2) Google Maps

This website makes use of the service Google Maps provided by the company Google, Inc. for the visualization of interactive maps; Google Maps uses (non-third party) cookies that do not store personal data. The location of the data processing is in the US.

To learn about the privacy policies of Google, please visit the website Cookies used by the service Google Analytics are: NID, PREF.

Cookies used by the Service Google Maps are: NID, PREF.

For more information and all updates, please visit the website:


Occasionally we may make changes to the terms to this privacy policy in order to include new technologies, new industry standards and/or regulatory requirements, or for other purposes. We will notify users with if such changes are significant and we will obtain users' consent anytime required by the applicable laws.